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About Us

ABID was formed to exchange ideas & information on the various facets of human habitat & way of living. The aim was to provide a common platform, where professional people & those related with the trade, would interact to provide service to the society by helping to enrich the overall lifestyle.

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President's Desk

As we are inching towards the end of a cycle I can not dissuade myself from reflecting backward . At the outset, I must put on record that the exemplary support which I received from my fellow members, almost made it a cake walk for me.

We organised one event after the other with relentless vigour.
We started with a family meet on Bijoya and Diwali over sumptuous food but not long after we moved to cricket field to burn all the extra calories we devoured.

It didn’t take our members long to again complain of getting rusted , this time our enthusiastic team organised a gala river cruise.


Our News

Nam gravida arcu ac neque convallis, nec iaculis sapien euismod. Pellentesque maximus lacus in velit viverra lacinia. Pellentesque venenatis, arcu nec sodales vehicula, ante erat sagittis mi, vel maximus velit mi quis velit.


Seminar on Parametric Design at ITC Sonar Bangla


AGM at Hotel Lalit


Pooja and Navratri Party

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